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How To Guide: Building SQL Server AG with Optane

(Note: There are 6 parts to this video series, all of which can be found by viewing this video on YouTube or by expanding the playlist)

Hands-On SQL Server HA

The steps outlined and recommendations contained in this guide are based upon hands-on experience combined with Microsoft “Best Practices” recommendations.

SQL Server AG

A SQL Server Always On Availability Group (SQL Server AG) supports one or more replicas, with the ability to failover one or more databases to another system. Data consistency between instances may use asynchronous replication for high-performance or long distance, or synchronous replication for no data loss failovers, aka zero recovery point objective (RPO) database failovers.

SQL Server AG is similar in concept to replication or mirroring but provides more features and options, such as multiple copies, sync and async replication and more. Additionally, by operating at the application level, SQL AG can ensure application-level consistency of data, unlike solutions that operate logically below the application, at the OS or storage layer.

SQL Server AG relies upon failover capabilities within Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) technology together with features in SQL Server (since SQL 2012). Windows clustering does not require shared storage (with Server 2016+), using two or more Windows Server instances, each with SQL Server.

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January 25, 2023

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