Author: Shelly Kramer

On this week's edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast we are talking about deepfakes and the influence they will have on society. We also talk about the HPE Open House, Intel's new price reduction on its chips, cybersecurity and Microsoft's big launch this past week. We will round this out talking about a new Zero Day and then finally, what is government and society going to do to solve this deepfake problem?
Technology is transforming healthcare at a rapid pace. From direct-to-consumer products that can allow patients to track and monitor their own health, to the impact telehealth is having on rural healthcare, to how wearables and AI are changing the game when it comes to patient care, to how AI and machine learning are diagnosing PTSD — there’s much to be excited about.
Success with RPA is all about adjusting your thinking. That’s what digital transformation is all about—it’s not the technology, it’s about people. In the past we weren’t looking for (or thinking about) things like “how do we make this easier for employees” or “how do we make this better for the customer.” Now we are thinking about these things, and we’re building processes that think the way that employees think, or want and we’re focusing on what customers want and need from us.
While FedEx canceling its Amazon contract might be news, it’s Amazon’s move into the logistics vertical that I’m watching. Here’s why.
Best Buy moves deeper into healthcare in general and the senior care market in particular with the acquisition of Critical Signal Technologies. Both Great Call and CST complement Best Buy’s existing customer care capabilities Geek Squad (tech support) and In-Home Advisors. These two customer care teams will be able to support senior citizens in the home, as well as provide senior health care. It also protects and pivots a traditional retail brand originally known as a great place to buy a computer or a TV into something much, much more.
Walmart is taking on Amazon, Facebook, and Google with its new ad platform. That makes perfect sense. And it’s not the only place where Walmart is innovating to transform retail. There is every reason to think the new ad platform will be a success, and that Walmart will steal market share from its retail competitors.
A security first mindset is critical for businesses of all sizes today. According to data from the 2018-2019 Global Application and Network Security Report, the average cost of a cyberattack (estimated) is more than $1 million, and for those organizations who calculate real costs rather than estimate the impact of a breach, the cost is in the $1.67M range. Not at all surprising that a company like Auth0, focusing on identity authentication, has reached a billion dollar valuation. More to come on that front, for sure.I
Salesforce continues its commitment to corporate social activism by taking a very pubic stand against guns with its latest modification to its Acceptable Use Policy. The company is not alone on this front, joined by companies including Shopify, Dick's Sporting Goods, Walmart, Levi's, and others.

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