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How do we handle this new deepfake technology that has the power to compromise everything from personal privacy to national security?
Last month, I sat down to chat with HPE’s Vice President and Cloud Strategist, Robert Christiansen, for an interview as part of our Futurum Tech Podcast Interview Series. We had a great discussion about the state of hybrid cloud and the issues it creates for companies operating in today’s digital transformation. The key points of our discussion revolved around the pulse survey we did with HPE on hybrid cloud — for a deeper dive into the research findings, be sure to listen to the podcast or read the transcript.
The EU’s Margrethe Vestager has had a field day levying billions of dollars in fines against US tech companies. But that could be changing. 5G might well alter the European Commission’s aggressive posture toward US tech companies — here’s why.
Robotic Process Automation is poised to take off. Let’s look at how businesses use RPA to move forward.
With the rapid proliferation of analytics, machine learning and AI, is the CMO role at risk? Perhaps not immediately, but it could be if CMOs don't change as fast as the technology is changing around them.
As Shure and ClearOne battle over a ceiling microphone a bigger problem is brewing in the background. The future of tech patents.
AMD stock has yet to make the hoped-for gains in the market share, and until then, fatter profits are unlikely to follow.
Digital transformation is revolutionizing every industry. We are revisiting the top digital transformation trends for education for 2020.