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Futurum Tech Webcast

Leading tech analysts from The Futurum Group share weekly deep dives on the latest tech news, new products and services, mergers, earnings, regulations, and more. The Futurum Tech Webcast will keep you current on what’s happening in the tech space — from startups to industry leaders, emerging tech and what’s ahead for industries across the globe, along with interviews with tech industry leaders and experts.

On this week's edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast, Amazon drone surveillance, friend or foe. Could US tech companies move production from China to Taiwan? European central bankers are taking a close look at Libra, Facebook's new cryptocurrency. And also updates about Google, Amazon, Foxconn, and more coming up on this episode of FTP.
In this Interview Series of the Futurum Tech Podcast, Daniel Newman sits down with Robert Christiansen, VP and Cloud Strategist at HPE. They discuss the recent Futurum/HPE survey on the State of Hybrid Cloud and how global enterprises are managing their migration to the cloud and the important role of hybrid public/private and on/off-premises networking and computing systems.
On this edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast, something is afoot at the Circle Koh, what Judge Koh's bizarre decision in the FTC versus Qualcomm case actually means for the future of Qualcomm and the future of 5G, Amazon's next healthcare wearable might be able to actually read moods, SpaceX's broadband satellite moonshot gets a boost, Tesla autopilot gets trashed by Consumer Reports, trouble in Snapchat paradise. Those stories and more coming up on this episode on FTP.
On this episode of FTP, we take a look at the impact of the growing conflict between the United States and China involving trade, intellectual property, cybersecurity and now presidential executive orders. Plus, we'll take a look at Cisco's earnings, how Google is using a new Translatotron to transmogrify translation, the latest in US cybersecurity initiatives, major networks and what they're doing with your personal data. And then finally, HPE is acquiring Cray, the coolest supercomputer company ever. And that and more on this episode of FTP.
On this week's FTP, Futurum of Tech Podcast, we take a look at Uber's IPO. Is it really a lift for the company? We don't think so. We'll also take a look at the MS Build Conference and SAP Sapphire Conference. We'll take a look at Google's new privacy focus, which seems a lot like Facebook's of late. And we'll take a look at the rise of drones in the air, from the FAA and their predictions for the 2023 timeframe, as well as what Nutanix is doing in the hybrid cloud VDI space. All this and more on this week's edition of FTP.
On this edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast: Tech's privacy problem, is Facebook moving us towards a solution or murkier waters, Apple and Qualcomm post quarterly earnings following the settlement of their global litigation. Even E-cigarettes get into the data collection business, now what? US-China trade talks, why did the US loosen its focus on IP protections, plus a report from Dell Tech World and the SAS Global Forum. Those stories and more coming up on this episode of FTP.
On this episode of FTP, the Futurum Tech Podcast, we take a look at automation and the ethical issues surrounding automation and whether it enhances worker productivity or replaces workers. Plus, we'll take a look at the FTC and what they're doing with Facebook. We'll take a look at Tesla's very, very strange week as well as touching on Walmart's foray into AI-based stores, Kohl's and Amazon's new partnership, and Samsung's attempt to dominate the logic chip market. All this and more on this episode FTP.
On this edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast, Apple and Qualcomm have finally settled their disputes. What does their new partnership mean for consumers, Intel, apple, Qualcomm and the future of US technology? Also, the FTC's investigation into Facebook heats up, how 3D scanning technology may help rebuild Notre Dame, Samsung folds very bad week. Zoom's IPO, and much, much more on this edition of FTP.
On this edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast, can social media platforms really be expected to identify, assess, and remove harmful content in real-time? The U.S. Congress think so. Uber has itself an IPO. Amazon's minimum wage shift. Microsoft Word and Google Docs become besties. The FCC announces a $20 billion investment fund in rural 5G deployments, a quick analysis of Amazon Lexus data collection response. Can Disney become the next Netflix? Those stories and more coming up on this episode of FTP.