Nyriad UltraIO Storage System: The Economics of Technology for Storage

Nyriad UltraIO Storage System – The Economics of Technology for Storage

Organizations depend on technology developments to provide continued improvements in the economics for storing and managing information. IT professionals expect new storage systems to store more data, provide faster access, consume less power, and take up less space with each new generation. While the economics for storing and managing information are the final measure used by executives in understanding the value from technology developments, IT decision makers have a more detailed evaluation process and must take into account both current challenges and how technology applies for improving the situation long-term.

The challenges for organizations charged with protecting and providing access to information assets are ever-present and increasing with new ones such as ransomware and the need to show movement for greater

sustainability in operations. While the infrastructure and operations groups tend to get very specific as they attempt to find solutions, the broader challenges lie in assuring the integrity of the information asset, delivering consistent, predictable application execution, meeting the increasing demands for storing information and optimizing operations for economics while meeting requirements now and in the future.

In our latest research brief, Nyriad UltraIO Storage System: The Economics of Technology for Storage, done in partnership with Nyriad, we analyze the value of the Nyriad UltaIO solution in addressing the broader challenges for storing and managing information assets as well as economic benefits.

This brief provides details about:

  • The current challenges in protecting and providing access to information assets 
  • What strategies and approaches IT leaders should consider in meeting these challenges
  • How the right solution can provide both economic benefit and meet critical requirements of of availability and consistency
  • What unique technology the Nyriad UltraIO Storage System brings that deliver functionality, performance, and longevity/sustainability

As IT leaders, executives, and professionals assess the needs of their organizations around data storage, the complexity of sustainability, consistency, and meeting future capacity needs, finding a solution requires a new approach. Nyriad’s solution delivers technology with UltraIO storage to help address these challenges. If you are interested in learning more, download your copy of Nyriad UltraIO Storage System: The Economics of Technology for Storage report today.

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Author Information

Randy Kerns

Randy draws from over 35 years of experience in helping storage companies design and develop products. As a partner at Evaluator Group and now The Futurum Group, he spends much of his time advising IT end-user clients on architectures and acquisitions.

Previously, Randy was Vice President of Storage and Planning at Sun Microsystems. He also developed disk and tape systems for the mainframe attachment at IBM, StorageTek, and two startup companies. Randy also designed disk systems at Fujitsu and Tandem Computers.

Prior to joining The Futurum Group, Randy served as the CTO for ProStor, where he brought products to market addressing a long-term archive for Information Technology and the Healthcare and Media/Entertainment markets.

He has also written numerous industry articles and papers as an educator and presenter, and he is the author of two books: Planning a Storage Strategy and Information Archiving – Economics and Compliance. The latter is the first book of its kind to explore information archiving in depth. Randy regularly teaches classes on Information Management technologies in the U.S. and Europe.


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