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Technical Insight: Trends in Integrated Systems for 2020

How Technology is Driving Changes in Hyperconverged and Converged Infrastructures

The power o­­f infrastructure, public and private, continues to increase, as technological advances pervade environments from the data center to the edge. The sophistication of that infrastructure is increasing as well, enriching our experiences and expanding our ability to interpret complex data. These advances are also propelling our expectations – of autonomous systems that can run themselves while they make things faster, simpler and more efficient for us.

This report looks at current technologies and how they’re driving trends in Integrated Systems. Both HCI and CI are covered in Evaluator Series Research, including Comparison Matrices, Product Analyses, Product Briefs, Evaluation Guides and EvaluScale tables.

Technology Trends

5G  – up to 100x faster than 4G, 10x number of devices supported in given area – enabling faster upload and download, increased bandwidth availability and support for edge computing and data collection

Computer vision – image recognition through AI to train computers to recognize people, objects, diseased tissue, etc.. This technology will enable factory/retail automation and advanced image analysis of data derived for human consumption (visual inputs).

Augmented Reality (AR) – combination of virtual reality and actual environments where objects from real world are enhanced or augmented with virtual images projected into visor or other sensory apparatus. The result is an enrichment of the real-world  experience, but not replacing it as Virtual Reality does. AR can be a way to increase the informational content or provide contextual data about objects in the subject field of vision.

Digital ethics/privacy – The California Consumer Act (CCPA) law (like GDPR in EMEA) will require companies to know what Personally Identifiable Information they have on customers, and be able to access and control it in their workflows and data stores – and to delete it when required.

AI/ML (advanced analytics) will continue to be incorporated into existing infrastructure to help predict future needs, optimize the use of resources, enhance security, etc.. This technology will be a standard feature in new designs to minimize need for human interaction, address privacy requirements and capture/interpret user information.

Autonomous operation / Automated processes (incorporates AI/ML, computer vision) will relieve humans of repetitive and complex tasks like set up, configuration, expansion and updates and provide voice recognition.

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February 17, 2020

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