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Lab Insight: IOmark-VM Benchmark Report for HP ConvergedSystem 250-HC + 4335 StoreVirtual

This document is the official benchmark report for the tested configuration using HP ConvergedSystem 250-HC StoreVirtual appliance. The result of the benchmark showed the tested HP ConvergedSystem 250-HC with 4335 StoreVirtual supported 208 virtual machines at a cost of $1,223.18 per VM, meeting the storage response time requirements. In addition IOmark-VM requires several hypervisor operations as part of the benchmark, including “Clone and Deploy” and vMotion. HP ConvergedSystem 250-HC StoreVirtual met the required minimums for these operations as indicated.

A full description of the configuration tested along with pricing information are provided in the following document, with application workload details in Appendix A.

The criteria and performance requirements are as follows:

  • For all application workloads:
    • All workloads must reside entirely on the tested hyper-converged system
    • Workloads are scaled in sets of 8 workloads
    • 70% of response times for I/Os must not exceed 20ms
    • The average response time for each application type must not exceed 30ms
    • The replay time must complete within 1 hour and 15 seconds for each 1 hour workload
  • For hypervisor operations:
    • Clone, deploy, boot, software upgrade, VM deletion
    • Storage migration (aka Storage vMotion) between storage volumes

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December 1, 2015

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