Operationalizing the Circular Economy: How HP is Reinventing Sustainability for the Tech Sector

Operationalizing the Circular Economy: How HP is Reinventing Sustainability for the Tech Sector

At its current rate of growth, e-waste – discarded electronic devices and components – is expected to reach approximately 75 million metric tons by 2030, contributing to the roughly 2 billion tons of municipal waste generated each year. The negative impacts of this global problem are not only ecological. They have already begun to affect human health and put strain on material costs and supply chains.

Two critical linear economic inputs driving the global waste crisis are systemic failures to design products with the intent to minimize their negative environmental impact and develop sustainable economic and supply chain systems that capture those products and their materials before they end up in landfills. Shifting to a circular model will not only transition “waste management” to a more impactful and sustainable repair-reuse-recycle model; it could also potentially reduce the volume of plastics making their way into the oceans by as much as 80% by 2040.

The tech sector has a unique opportunity to play a critical role in addressing these challenges by designing more sustainable products, adopting more sustainable business models, and helping build circular supply chains for their organizations and partners.

In this white paper, Operationalizing the Circular Economy: How HP is Reinventing Sustainability for the Tech Sector, you will learn the five fundamental challenges standing in the way of this transition, and how to address them:

  • Shifting consumer uncertainty to consumer confidence
  • Rebooting product design for enhanced circularity,
  • Injecting more operational agility into traditional business models
  • Operationalizing regulatory fluency
  • Building alternative and parallel supply chains.

The paper also outlines how HP’s approach to building a circularity model provides an actionable blueprint for the tech sector to help device OEMs, IT leaders and service providers supercharge their own sustainability programs. Specifically:

  • Matching innovative materials to sustainable design choices
  • Leveraging materials reduction strategies
  • Minimizing complexity and enabling recoverability
  • Extending device lifecycles

Lastly, this whitepaper also provides actionable insights and best practices that device OEMs, IT leaders and service providers can use to operationalize circularity as an ROI-positive business opportunity for their own organizations.

Download your copy of Operationalizing the Circular Economy: How HP is Reinventing Sustainability for the Tech Sector to learn more.

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Author Information

Olivier Blanchard

Olivier Blanchard has extensive experience managing product innovation, technology adoption, digital integration, and change management for industry leaders in the B2B, B2C, B2G sectors, and the IT channel. His passion is helping decision-makers and their organizations understand the many risks and opportunities of technology-driven disruption, and leverage innovation to build stronger, better, more competitive companies.


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