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Storage Virtualization Evaluation Guide

Evaluation Guide Overview

This Storage Virtualization Evaluation Guide is part of a series of guides designed by Evaluator Group to help information technology (IT) professionals evaluate storage technology alternatives. This evaluation guide and the accompanying workbook are designed to assist potential buyers understand the options and products available and to help match requirements to the available technology choices. A list of the features covered in the workbook is also listed in the evaluation guide.

What sets this evaluation guide series apart from other analyst firms or vendor sponsored whitepapers is the lack of vendor bias on the part of Evaluator Group. These evaluation guides from Evaluator Group are not sponsored by vendors and are written for IT managers seeking a vendor-neutral discussion of the design considerations behind new products, technologies, and trends.

What is  Storage Virtualization?

With the successes of server virtualization, storage virtualization is once again popular. Storage administrators understand that it can make sense to couple virtualized storage with a virtualized server instance. However, there are many issues to consider before plunging into a storage virtualization deployment. This guide serves as an overview of the technology and the choices, and is accompanied by a workbook detailing the specific features of the options available.

Storage Virtualization

At its most basic level, virtualization is a mapping of resources. Memory was one of the first resources to become virtualized on computer systems, followed later by storage. Virtualization also helps to provide a higher level of control by allowing complicated processes or devices to be managed by a few relatively simple interfaces. For this reason, virtualization is a very powerful tool that has been exploited by the IT industry for several decades.

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December 12, 2019

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