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Software Defined Storage EvaluScale Comparison Matrix

Software Defined Storage EvaluScale Comparison Matrix


To use the “Compare” tool, simply select your top contending products (up to 4) to view a side-by-side comparison of all of the features and selection criteria including: hardware, scalability, configuration and performance data.


The Evaluator Group “EvaluScale” assesses each product within a specific technology area. For each technology area, there is a set of criteria that the product being assessed either “meets requirements”, “exceeds requirements” or is an “area for development”. 

Inside the EvaluScale table, we provide the criteria being assessed, a description of the criteria and requirements that the product should meet. It also shows if the product does or doesn’t meet/exceed the requirement. To view Evaluator Group’s explanation of why the product does or doesn’t meet/exceed a requirement, download the full Product Brief from the Evaluator Group’s online Research Library or directly from the “Select” tab inside the EvaluScale Product Comparison Matrix.

How To Use

When opening the EvaluScale Comparison Matrix, you will be brought to the “Select” tab. Under the “Vendor Selection” section, you can select up to 4 vendors to compare.



Next, select which criteria you want to compare in the EvaluScale table. To change the order in which the criteria is displayed, change the letters under the “Sequence for sorting” section with “A” identifying the first criteria shown and the other criteria descending in alphabetical order. 

Once you’ve selected the vendors/products to compare and the EvaluScale criteria you wish to view, you are ready to view the “Compare” and “EvaluScale” tabs. 

In the “Compare” tab, you will see a side-by-side comparison of the features and selection criteria for the vendors/products that were chosen in the “Select” tab. 



In the “EvaluScale” tab, you will see a side-by-side view of how your selected vendors/products compare across the EvaluScale criteria that was chosen in the “Select” tab. 



The data in the matrix is frequently updated after vendor announcements. Updates are concurrently made for the non-interactive Software Defined Storage Comparison Matrix.

Vendors and products included:

  • DataCore SANsymphony
  • Microsoft Spaces Storage Direct
  • NetApp eSDS
  • NetApp ONTAP Select
  • StoreONE S1

Related Research




October 31, 2023


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