Currently, two trends driving significant change in the IT landscape are cloud computing and container- based applications. Both are gaining traction due to their ability to run and operate applications with greater flexibility and often, lower costs than alternative technologies and methods. However, with all new opportunities there are significant challenges to realizing the potential benefits.
As new technologies continually emerge, they typically have an evolutionary effect on business operations. However, cloud computing as an operational model along with Kubernetes for managing cloud native applications are already transforming the way information technology is delivered, managed and consumed.
Moreover, the need for systems designed to support these environments requires the choice of compute, networking and particularly storage systems that can deliver highly scalable capacity and performance without the need for traditional administration. Kubernetes provides mechanisms for applications to transparently utilize multiple compute and storage resources. However, ensuring that applications retain access to persistent data demands that the underlying storage infrastructure is resilient while also meeting the capacity and performance needs for thousands of applications.
With this backdrop, Evaluator Group was asked to compare two storage systems suited for cloud native application environments.
- Ceph: Is open-source software defined storage often used in cloud native environments
- Lightbits Cloud Data Platform: Is a software defined storage designed for cloud environments
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