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Industry Insight: A Perspective on the State of Cloud for End Users

John Webster, Sr. Analyst at Evaluator Group, is the lead technologist on Cloud and Hybrid Cloud.  He interacts regularly with Cloud vendors and service provider, large enterprise IT users as well as our end user panel, the Evaluator Visionaries.  These ongoing conversations provide a clearer understanding of how this technology area is evolving, especially as it relates to the user’s real data management needs and budgetary requirements.

In his most recent major research study, “Hybrid Cloud Storage for the Enterprise”, he interviewed and surveyed numerous enterprise users on how IT organizations are expanding their use both on and off-premises. This article is based on end user conversations and feedback, and their real-world experiences.

Impact to Operations

Initially, the impact of adding public cloud to the operational mix can put an added burden on IT staff. However, there are factors that that make life easier over time. Elasticity in the cloud i.e. the ability to provision resources is far simpler as compared to an internal process required to provision more on-site infrastructure. In addition, the migration of applications to the cloud will, over time, reduce the onsite workload. For example, the move to Office 365 on Azure will likely result in servers that no longer need to be maintained. This allows IT to reallocate people and avoid hiring. Staff can then be moved to other high priority projects such as the building of private clouds where staffing can be an issue.

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October 29, 2018

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