Category: Cloud

The Microsoft Ignite 2019 event kicked off today with CEO Satya Nadella unveiling Microsoft's full stack approach to what he called "tech intensity." This was only day one of Ignite. I have a feeling things will get even more interesting from here.
Looking at HPE and Nutanix's new partnership. While it feels like we’ve hit peak hybrid cloud, in reality it's only just begun. A deep dive into Hybrid.
Are CDOs replacing CMOs? The truth is digital transformation itself is disrupting the entire way companies structure their businesses, even wiping out some age-old job descriptions altogether.
HPE Held an intimate analyst event where it delivered a window into its strategy which its betting on will propel the companies growth into the next decade.
AWS has expanded its partnership with industry leading Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) manufacturer NVIDIA to offer improved GPU based cloud instances.
On this week's edition of the Futurum Tech Podcast, we'll take a look at Amazon's new Alexa announcements, DoorDash managed to play ding dong data breach with 4.9 million customers and at how Microsoft, MasterCard and the Hewlett Foundation are giving cyber peace a chance. All this and more on this week's edition of FTP, the Futurum Tech Podcast.
Last month, I sat down to chat with HPE’s Vice President and Cloud Strategist, Robert Christiansen, for an interview as part of our Futurum Tech Podcast Interview Series. We had a great discussion about the state of hybrid cloud and the issues it creates for companies operating in today’s digital transformation. The key points of our discussion revolved around the pulse survey we did with HPE on hybrid cloud — for a deeper dive into the research findings, be sure to listen to the podcast or read the transcript.
With the rapid proliferation of analytics, machine learning and AI, is the CMO role at risk? Perhaps not immediately, but it could be if CMOs don't change as fast as the technology is changing around them.
If a CIO is going to lead digital transformation, then they need to have an understanding of the customer journey map. Here’s what they need to know.
IoT has the ability to deliver next level data that incorporates consumers user generated content with sensor data that will deliver better experiences and improve analytics. The CMO must lead this initiative to maximize IoT data.

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